
Welcome to the Pine Tress Shilling 1652 website. The cryptocurrency designed by and for educators. We hope that classroom teachers will embrace using our currency as a classroom token. Beside a classroom token economy, how can teachers use the PTS1652? I am glad you asked. Social Studies teachers can use it to explain monetary policies, legal systems, and of course can look back at the historical PTS1652 coin from colonial America. Math teachers can look at the math, low level by figuring out transmission fees, or go deep into the cryptography angle. Computer science teacher can go to our github and peak under the hood at the code involved, and university level might have their students develop apps that will utilize the blockchain or improve upon it.

We hope to have an Introduction to Cryptocurrency course available soon in our list of courses. It will walk an educator through the basics of cryptocurrency, its history, and help setting up a node in the classroom along with creating a wallet and mining the PTS1652. So be on the lookout.

Those who are more comfortable with trying out the technology you can either download source material and compile the program yourself or use Docker containers. You can access minimal information on the process here.